During the Service

There are many opportunities for ministry during Cathedral services. Read below about ways to put faith to action in our Cathedral.


The role of the Servers is to assist at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Eucharist, as well as at special services, such as Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday, Ordinations, and Synods.

Servers' duties include setting up before the service, acting as crucifers (carrying the processional cross), torch bearers (carrying the candles in procession), acolytes (assisting with the preparation of the bread and wine for communion), and cleaning up after the service.

Time Commitment

Attendance at major services. Servers need to arrive one hour before the start of the service and remain behind at its conclusion to complete their duties.

Special Skills

An understanding of the Anglican liturgy, the ability to work with other servers and the clergy officiating at the service and reliable and faithful attendance are important.

If you wish to become a server, please contact the office.

Readers, Intercessors, Oblations and Lay Administrants

Readers read publicly the appointed passages from the Bible, typically the first and second readings, at the 10:30 Sunday Eucharist as well as at other services.

The Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People at the 10:30 Sunday Eucharist as well as at other services.

The role of the individuals bringing up the Oblations (the offering of the people in the form of bread and wine) is to carry the oblations from the nave (where the congregation sit) to the altar at the time of the offertory.

The role of the Lay Administrants is to assist with the distribution of communion, usually by administering the wine. It is truly an honour and a privilege to have a role in the important ministry of Holy Communion. To volunteer, one need only be an active, baptised member of the Cathedral congregation.

Time Commitment

Readers and Intercessors participate in the service approximately once a month. A schedule is provided for Lay Administrants with their assigned dates. Each volunteer helps with this ministry approximately every six to seven weeks. There are no meetings to attend.

Special Skills

An understanding of the liturgy and dependable attendance when on duty are essential. Readers and Intercessors must have good reading and public speaking skills. Volunteer Lay Administrants must be baptised and regular communicants at the Cathedral. The Rector, or someone appointed by him, provides education and training about this essential ministry.

Those interested in serving the cathedral as Lay Administrants should contact the Very Rev'd Leighton Lee. Those interested in becoming readers, intercessors, or in offering oblations should contact the Cathedral office.