
There are many opportunities for outreach at the Cathedral. Read below about ways to put faith to action in our community.

Open Cathedral

After a very successful summer, the Open Cathedral program will take a hiatus until late spring.

On Wednesdays, the Cathedral is home to the ProArts Society, a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance and enrich the Calgary arts community by actively encouraging and facilitating free weekly arts presentations at our historic Cathedral. Weekly presentations are varied and eclectic – please visit www.proartssociety.ca for their current schedule.

The Cathedral doors are open the remaining weekdays to provide a sanctuary in our downtown core for quiet reflection, contemplation and prayer. As a Registered Heritage Site, the Cathedral invites those with an interest in its historic and religious significance to walk freely around the Cathedral, or follow the self-guided Walking Tour pamphlet. Other visitors simply choose to sit quietly in the nave.

The Cathedral could not remain open during the day without the attendance of volunteers. Volunteers greet visitors as they enter, and provide historic and religious information when appropriate. Volunteers keep a running tally of the number of visitors, and ensure that all have left before closing the doors. Volunteers work in groups of two, and are not responsible for unlocking or locking the Cathedral.

To participate in this important ministry contact the Cathedral office.

Prayer Circle

The Prayer Circle prays daily for the work of the Cathedral and of the Diocese, remembering especially our Bishop and our Rector. Several new requests for intercession come in each week and many people believe they have been blessed and strengthened by our prayers. We are glad to undertake this important work of support for our various ministries and to remember before God those in any kind of need or trouble.

Time Commitment

Prayers are raised daily at the convenience of each member, in their own home. Every spring there is a corporate communion at a 10:30 am Sunday Eucharist, with a breakfast preceding at 9:00 am Other meetings are arranged as opportunities arise.

To participate in this important ministry, please contact the Cathedral office.

Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry is a traditional "sit down" Sunday dinner, which provides a full course nutritional meal to about 500 guests in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. Dinners are held on 48 Sundays of the year from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral Hall, 221-18th Ave. S.W. The Cathedral works at one dinner a year in mid-November. We have historically shared our Sunday with the volunteers from Christ Church, Calgary.

Time Commitment

The Cathedral commits to about 30 volunteers for the dinner. Volunteers can choose from different shifts and activities throughout the day from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Activities may include food preparation, setting up hall, dessert preparation, hosting, serving, dishwashing and clearing up the hall.

To participate in this important ministry, please speak to Lisa Rushton or contact the Cathedral office.

Doors Open YYC

The Cathedral participates in the annual Doors Open YYC program, a well-established and highly successful international concept that allows people free access to buildings in order to create enthusiasm for heritage and contemporary architecture, and increase the appreciation of historic and culturally significant places and spaces.