We are all monitoring the COVID-19 situation very closely and following the advice of the Public Health Officials. One of the questions I have been asked by colleagues over the last few days is, "Are we going to cancel church?" The answer is, "We have been given no indication that we should cancel services at this time." And so, church services are continuing throughout the diocese.
At the same time, we're beginning to hear about taking extra precautions like "social distancing" - that is not getting too close to people in public. With that in mind, I am writing to tell you a few things. Please remember that at times like this we are called to use common sense.
The first is that we have a wide variety of services, many of which do not have a great number of people at them. On Thursday evenings until Palm Sunday, we have a service of Candlelight Vespers - a beautiful Lenten tradition here at the Cathedral. There is always plenty of room at the service. Likewise, there is plenty of room at the 8 o'clock Eucharist on Sundays. And don't forget Solemn Evensong on Sunday March 15 at 4:30 pm. Although the congregations at evensong aren't small, there is plenty of room for those who are nervous about large crowds at worship.
This leaves Sunday mornings at 10:30 - always the best attended service of the week. As you know, the Cathedral is very seldom packed to the rafters on Sunday morning, so I encourage you to come to this service, but you may wish to spread out a bit more in the building. I know that the back pews in an Anglican church are prime real estate, but the pews further up are pretty good, too!
Finally, if you are part of the vulnerable sector and are nervous about being out too much in public, please know that it's not only acceptable to stay home, it may also be responsible. For the rest of us, I hope you will take heart and be of good courage and join the community as we continue to offer our worship to God - in ways that are sensible. Some guidelines are below.
For the duration of the Pandemic:
We will not be shaking hands, either at the peace or at the door. Suitable signs of peace with your neighbours include smiling, nodding the head, and bowing.
We will receive communion in one kind only. The celebrant will consecrate a small amount of wine and consume it. Everyone else will receive the bread only. We still receive the fullness of the sacrament. This also means that those of us on the rota as Sacramental Ministers are stood down from our duties until we resume our normal practices.
We will practice good hygiene and follow the guidance of the Public Health Officials.
We will not come to services or other Cathedral events if we feel ill.
We will not give into panic or feed anxiety. Together we will get through this with common sense and loving care of one another.